采用IGBT器件、元器件全球采购,高效率组合谐振技术、低电感电路安排、大规模数字电路、更全面更成熟的保护技术,更快更高效率更安全的生产。 It uses IGBT component and parts purchased from the whole world. It is characterized by high-efficiency resonance oscillation, low inductance current, large-scale digital circuits, more comprehensive and mature protection technology and faster, safer higher efficiency production. Ω 设备轻巧,加热速度快,效率高。 The device is light, quick heating speed and high efficiency. Ω 特别省电,操作简单,安装方便,适用于各种需要对金属加热的场合。 The device saves energy, operates and installs easily, applied to all kinds of metals heating situations. Ω 占地面积小,可方便携带。 The occupancy area is small. And the device is portable. Ω 24小时不间断。 The device can work continuously for 24 hours. Ω 节约能源,保护环境。 It saves energy and protect the environment. Ω 熔化不同的材料。 It can melt various materials. Ω 使用坩埚,安全可靠。 It is safe and reliable with the use of crucibles. Ω 自动化程度高,可实现全自动无人操作,提高劳动生产率 Due to the high automatic degree, the device realizes completely automatic operation to improve the productivity. Ω 电子显示工作频率、电流、电压、功率。 The working frequency, current, voltage and power all adopt electronic display. Ω 能耗低、无污染 It is featured with low energy consumption and no pollution. Ω 加热效率高,与其他加热方式相比,有效地降低了能耗,劳动生产率高、无污染、设备符合环保要求 Compared with other heating manners, the high heating efficiency reduces the energy consumption and improve the productivity. Besides the device meets the requirements of environmental protection. Ω 采用超小型的中频感应加热电源,与传统中频电源截然不同 The device adopts superminiature medium frequency heating power supply different from traditional medium frequency power supply. Ω 加热透热性好,温度均匀 The device is with good diathermancy and uniform temperature. Ω 启动性能好,空炉、满炉均可达到100%启动。 With good starting performance, no-loaded furnace or full-loaded furnace all can start 100%.